Download our free infographic on how to make yourself more employable. We cover 5 major areas that employers are looking for, specifically for software-related roles.
This is designed for CS student, graduates, and others in the CS or programming world.
We look at 5 major areas that will help increase your employability in software roles and why these areas are of interest and importance to recruiters and employer.
Check out our Elite Summer Coding Program!
We launched an elite, challenging, and code-heavy program for CS students and recent graduates. With internships sparse, this program is designed to simulate a work environment and still provide intensive learning opportinities.
2 cohorts now available starting:
May 18, 2020
June 15, 2020
One of our cofounders talk about how learning and the programs at Qwasar are different from a CS degree or bootcamp. Read more here.
We dig into what to expect from the program, why we cover C programming, and how we expect you to take responsibility for your work. More here.